I had conflicting advice when my baby was born, and although I wanted to primarily breastfeed, I was encouraged to bottle feed my baby. After a few days, the baby wasn't keen to breastfeed, so it was hard work to get that going again, and I'd lost a lot of confidence. Lucy restored it for me. She was only ever encouraging and supportive, and made me feel that I was doing the right thing - whereas others had made me feel that I was doing things "wrong" which wasn't helpful, especially at a time when my body was dealing with post-birth hormones! Lucy is calm, caring and pragmatic, her approach is very nurturing and I always felt heard and came away with lots of tips and techniques that made a massive difference. I highly recommend Lucy, she made such a positive difference to my breastfeeding journey.
“I consulted with Lucy when my little girl was around three months old, and I was struggling with a raft of feeding issues including shallow latch, fast flow, and breast and bottle refusal. Lucy was very calm and kind, and provided me with information and advice that saw me make several adjustments to the way I was breastfeeding, with great results. The follow-up plan she sent was comprehensive and easy to understand, and I have referred back to it often. I think of Lucy’s advice even now, and I’m still happily breastfeeding my daughter at 14 months. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone who wants advice or support on their breastfeeding journey.”
“It was wonderful and very reassuring to meet you the other day. I found the session very helpful. Thanks for sending the detailed information over email too. I've been trying some of your suggestions. From gaining just 200gms/month, Nilan has now gained 200gms/fortnight :) Your suggestions are definitely showing improvement in his weight gain. Thank you for your support with breastfeeding. You are one of the most knowledgeable person I've met since Nilan's weight gain issue. I'll contact you if I need any further assistance. Thanks again.”
“Thank you for meeting us yesterday, it was very reassuring that i still have a chance to produce milk. I will be in touch if anything comes up along the way.”
“I have been to the clinic twice, but keen to see you as the person who recommended you said you were a nipple saver, and you were the third person they had seen too.”
“Thanks so much for meeting with me. It was wonderful knowing all these tips that I can follow. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Thanks for your time and I appreciate your help and support. Things seem to be getting better already.”
“Amazing! Thanks so much for all this Lucy! I’m so glad Carolyn suggested I talk to you as I’ve found it really helpful. I have already noticed that Paige’s feeding is better after following all of your tips.”
“It was great seeing you again. Thank you for all your help. I’ll work on it.”
“Thank you so much for your thorough email and assessment. I really appreciate it.”
“Thanks heaps! I'm feeling much better about dealing with the fussiness since our session.”
“I absorbed it and have incorporated this and breastfeeding is going well - but I wanted to say thanks so much for your support and advice. It's just brilliant and makes such a difference - thank you!”
“Thank you so much Lucy! It was great to meet with you. Really helpful advice!”
“Thank you for visiting me and bub and thank you for all the information, it is very helpful and definitely a huge weight off my shoulder. Thank you again. I learn something new everyday.”
“Thank you so much for your support and your time, especially to write it all out for me too, it's so helpful. We will keep working on things.”
“Thanks so much for this Lucy, it was great meeting you yesterday. I'm already having success with less refusal having focused on the positioning tweaks you suggested. I really appreciate you putting this together for us so we can look back and troubleshoot as needed.”
“Thank you so much Lucy for your wealth of knowledge, it is so helpful.”
“Thank you for all your guidance, things are getting better now with breastfeeding. Your help is much appreciated.”
“Thanks for the encouragement and taking time out for us today. Appreciate your help.”
“Thank you so much for this Lucy. Legend!”
“Thanks so much Lucy. I really liked your approach today, you are a great listener. Thanks for the advice, I’m putting it in place now. Focusing on the latch, position and releasing the mastitis lumps.”
“Thanks so much for the zoom call. It was soooo helpful. We’ve been working on the latch and going well so far (at least on one side). I’m finding he is becoming content/sleepy with the BF, and not taking much from the bottle.”
“Thanks so much Lucy, you were very helpful and I'm feeling much better now knowing what I should be doing to help Cody.”
“It was great to meet you too and thank you for all of the advice! Ava is now feeding like a champ and Mama is giving her two boobs each time. She’s fed every two hours today rather than every 45 minutes which is great! She’s already more settled which I didn’t think was possible.”